Wednesday 5 December 2012

How Piles Disease affects your social life

Piles symptoms are an alarm to the occurrence of Piles disease that comes along with pain, discomfort and irritation. These frustrations lead to an abysmal social life. It causes havoc within the person and this panic state spoils our mood, our environment and relations.
Piles disease, also called hemorrhoids, is caused by straining during bowel movements, chronic constipation and unhealthy life style. Obesity may also result in piles because of the pressure imposed by our body on the rectal veins. A sedentary job may also contribute to the occurrence of the disease. Heavy weight lifting might also leads to piles. There is also a genetic link to the piles disease. People who have loose motions very common are also prone to piles. It is mainly found in adults equally among men and women. The number of people suffering from piles disease is huge. It is said four to twenty five people out of hundred suffer from it.
The treatment of piles disease must be initiated as soon as the first piles symptom is seen. This will help in reduction of the discomfort that will be accompanied by this disease.
Piles disease is caused by the swelling of the rectal veins in the lower part that is around the anal. A clump is formed inside or outside the rectum due to the slipping of one of the three spongy pads downwards. This leads to filling of the blood vessels in the cushion of the anal with blood causing cushion to swell and thereby piles is the outcome. It can be internal or external or a patient can suffer from both types at the same time. Piles are neither a disease nor an infection. therefore it is not curable by any of the conventional methods. Though the conventional medicines can relieve the patient of some of the piles disease symptoms but it cannot be cured. So, natural treatments are its best remedy.
Piles disease usually occurs because of the wrong lifestyle adapted by the people. The diet plays an important role in the lifestyle of any person. The dietary habits are responsible for the immense increase in the diseases among people and piles are one of them. People who eat a lot of processed foods which are low in fibers are more susceptible to constipation. And chronic constipation is one of the major causes of piles which are the result of the lifestyle and the wrong eating habits adopted. To cure piles disease the dietary habits have to be inculcated in the lifestyle which has to be followed regularly in our life. The processed food must be replaced by fiber rich food. Fresh fruits and vegetables must be eaten up regularly to make the piles a story of the past. Lot of water must be drunk so that stools soften up that will relieve the patient of the pain and discomfort accompanied by piles disease. Alcohol will also accelerate the appearance of piles.
A piles disease patient must sit in a warm “sitz” bath or even a shallow ordinary bath a few times a day. The sits bath is a good remedy to relieve the piles symptoms like itching, pain and discomfort. He should also try to bath the infected area with diluted hazel. He should make it a habit to maintain hygiene and wash the anal infected area after each bowel movement. He should soak it in warm water and then wash it with plain water. After this it should be allowed to dry it naturally.
Avoid heavy lifting when piles symptoms have been discovered. If you work at a sedentary jobs then try to walk around frequently. It is a good habit to have a short walk around every hour. You can also use some zinc cream or petroleum jelly on the infected anal area. This will relieve the pain and soothes up the area
Once piles symptoms are seen then the patient suffering from piles have to change his life style and inculcate all the habits in his daily routine to get rid of piles disease forever.

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