Wednesday 5 December 2012

What is Piles Disease ?

Piles disease is also called hemorrhoids. It is an uncomfortable condition that may affect us and our surroundings. The lining of the anal canal contains three spongy pads of tissue which are like a seal for the anal canal to remain closed till lavatory passes through it. When one of these soft pads slips downward because the tissue around cannot hold it, then the small blood vessels within the cushion fill up with blood resulting in the swelling up of the cushion. Thus, piles disease is a condition in which the veins around the anal swell up. There is a clump formed inside or outside the rectum.
The main cause of the piles disease can be straining during bowel movements, pregnancy and chronic constipation. But if you are constantly sitting at one place or you are too corpulent resulting in straining of your rectal veins, than it may also result in occurrence of piles disease.
Though piles disease develops from inside the anal canal yet they may hang out on the outside of the rectum. Therefore, doctors compile piles disease into mainly three types.
Firstly, there are the first-degree piles. They always remain inside the anal canal and are swollen tissues. Usually they are painless but on some cases they might cause some pain as well.
Secondly, there are the second-degree piles. They prolapsed when faeces are passed and return to their normal position.
Thirdly, there are the third-degree piles and the most painful ones also. They prolapsed or are pushed when faeces pass or they may come down themselves but they do not return to their normal position after the faeces are passed through them.
Age is not a barrier for the occurrence of the Piles disease but it is more common among adults. Men and women both are prone to this disease. In fact, four to twenty five out of hundred people suffer from this disease.
Usually, piles disease is a temporary problem. Experts believe that they are caused by continuous high pressure in the veins of the body when a person stands upright. It may also occur during pregnancy among women because of the hormonal changes and pressure from the baby. Straining during the bowel movements may also result in piles disease. This may be caused by lack of fibres in our diet or lifting heavy weights.
Piles disease has mainly the following symptoms. Usually  the main symptom is bleeding, with bright red blood. Secondly, itching and irritation around the anus and there may be swelling around the anus. Also, a lump may protrude on your anus and a slimy discharge of mucus can be noticed which is mainly the cause of itching and irritation. Last but not least, there may arise a pain after a bowel discharge in case you have an external pile disease.
In order to cure the piles disease, the patient should try to bathe with warm water. This will reduce the irritation and he shall also keep the anal area clean. Straining during the bowel movements shall be avoided. He may also take some medicines such as ispaghula husk (e.g. Fybogel) or mild laxatives such as lactulose, which will soften your faeces or apply smoothening creams, ointments and suppositories to reduce pain and irritation. The patient may also undergo non-surgical treatments such as banding and sclerotherapy. He may also take surgeries to heal the lump in the anus to reduce pain.
Thus, piles disease can be treated dif there is a permanent problem causing strained bowel movement, pain, irritation and itching. It should be undertaken after consulting with a doctor.

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