Wednesday 5 December 2012


piles during pregnancyPiles disease during or after pregnancy is common and painful side effect of pregnancy. The load carried by the pregnant women results in aggravating the piles. The standing, laying down or even sitting can become uncomfortable due to burning and itching sensations associated with piles. Mostly during the third trimester of a woman’s pregnancy piles diseases appears when the increased pressure on the rectum and perineum are the most significant.  The pressure on the anal area during the painful and long process of childbirth can also lead to piles disease.
Lets first focus on piles during pregnancy – According to different studies, approximately one-third of all pregnant women suffer from hemorrhoids at some point during or immediately following their pregnancy, even if they have never suffer from them at the past. The main causes of piles disease during pregnancy are lots of straining during bowel movements creating pressure on the veins or pressure created by the fetus in the womb during pregnancy and chronic constipation. The severe piles can result the inflamed blood vessels to burst resulting in bleeding.
Generally during pregnancy the growing weight of the fetus and its increasing weight in the womb create a strain on the anal veins. In general the blood circulation in the body of a woman during this time is already very high which results in the languid movement of blood in the veins leading to piles disease. Constipation is also very common in pregnant women. It is also one of the main causes of piles among women. The lot of pressure to be applied during the bowel movement also creates pressure in rectal veins which swell resulting in piles disease. Third and the last main cause is the birth process itself which requires great pressure to be put in by the women’s body leading to the occurrence of the disease.
The main problem with piles disease while pregnant is that it’s impossible to go for medications for treating it during this crucial stage to avoid any danger to the fetus. If necessary then very less invasive methods will be adopted to cure it like usage of creams, ointments and suppositories.
Though it is difficult for a pregnant woman to get a treatment done during this stage yet to relieve her of the discomfort and irritation few treatments can be used. If constipation is one of the causes of piles disease then you should consume more fibre rich food, drink a lot of water and if required she can also take stool softener. You can also eat figs for better digestion.
In case the pressure and the increasing weight of the baby is the cause of piles disease then than you should try to ease pressure on your abdomen. For doing this, you should lie on your left side or lift up your feet in the air for 20 minutes every few hours. This will not only result in alleviating the pressure on your abdomen but also reduce the amount of swellings on your hands and feet that pregnant women suffer from.
Piles disease can also be treated by hot water bath in saline water. Soaking in warm water and washing the infected area with plain water for about 15 to 20 minutes at least once a day will give instant relieve and also result in reduction of itching, pain and stress which accompany piles disease.
As surgeries cannot be taken up as a treatment of piles disease for a pregnant woman but as it creates a lot of pain and discomfort to the patient therefore, it shall be cured. to relieve the uncomfortable situation treat yourself with diet, exercise and other relieving techniques. Holistic methods can be used as well as some medicated creams and ointments can also be prescribed by the doctor.
If the treatment can be delayed till the baby is born then the women can opt for simpler techniques. But for the treatment of piles disease both during pregnancy and after child birth have to include the changes in diet by consuming more fiber rich food and figs, taking hot bath in saline water, stool softeners that will ease up the bowel movement through rectal veins, increasing the amount of water drinking, taking in of antidotes to relieve the pain caused by the piles disease and keeping hygienic toilet habits. These will help the woman to relieve her of the pain and the discomfort caused by the malignant disease.
After the childbirth, piles disease can be treated just like in normal condition. click here for more info on piles disease treatment.

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